This past week I read through a few old journals and found a list I wrote in 2013 titled “10 Things I Know for Sure.” I read it over and I still agree with these ten items.
My gut instinct is rarely wrong.
Even if it seems at times like all you hear is no, there will, some day, at some time, be a yes.
Sometimes saying nothing is the best option, especially when dealing with crazy bosses.
A glass of cold water tastes delicious when you’ve been crying.
Being vulnerable won’t kill you.
Baking soda and vinegar can clean pretty much anything.
Spending time in the sunshine improves your outlook on life.
Some rants are best kept off the internet.
Using the words “never” or “always” guarantees that at some point the universe will prove you wrong.
Letting go of the outcome is the wisest action in any situation.

What would be on your list of things you know for sure? Tell me in the comments!
Great list! Numbers 7 and 10 are my faves... and I wholeheartedly agree!
Nailed it!