*This week’s Friday Bitch & Brag is available to everyone.*
It’s nice outside, so no time to waste with introductions! Read the back story here. Circle up!
Bitch: Why is it that any time I buy fresh berries from the grocery store, I discover that there’s mold on several berries in areas I couldn’t see until AFTER I bought them? How is this fair? I’m ready for farmers’ market season to start around here because moldy berries aren’t an issue when they were fresh picked that morning.
Brag: I’m getting in some long walks thanks to warmer weather. A neighbor told me that it’s about 2 miles to walk through all the sections of our development, so I’m thinking that’s a good goal.
Bitch: The pain from the right pinky finger blood blister went away and was replaced Thursday morning with arthritis pain in the top section of my right ring finger. What the hell is happening to my body?! (Friday AM update: my fingers are much better today, whew!)
Brag: I am making progress on clearing out my digital clutter, even if it often feels as if there are five new files to replace five deleted ones. Digital cleanup is not as satisfying as seeing a clean closet or empty shelf, since it’s all virtual space, but I find some comfort in seeing the percentage of space used on my cloud drive(s) decrease. Anything to get those pop-up warnings & emails saying BUY MORE STORAGE NOW to stop.
Bitch: While there is a lot I like about Substack, and their new Notes feature is a fun way to discover and connect with fellow Substackers as well as readers, I’m annoyed that the free to subscriber posts don’t show up in the Archive - and all these Friday Bitch & Brag emails are free to subscribers. I don’t want to make them free to everyone, and I don’t want to put them behind a paywall. Make it make sense, Substack!
Brag: I have been on a roll with jokes involving new lyrics to an old song or new lines for a famous poem. I love word play and clever puns - it is one of my love languages.
What do you want to bitch or brag about from this past week? Tell me!