A Life of Moxie is where you’ll find personal essays, humor, and reflections on life, liberty, and the pursuit of well-fitting jeans1. I’m inspired by the women columnists and writers I read in my formative years, including Anna Quindlen, Nora Ephron, Erma Bombeck, Ann Landers, Miss Manners, and others.

Wednesdays will be the day for my “column,” a short piece on anything from the latest headlines to more personal topics. On Fridays, we have Bitch & Brag, a popular weekly round-up. Paid subscribers will also receive Tuesday Scribblings, a periodic free-write/stream of consciousness post on a variety of topics and issues. There may be other content coming over time…I have a few ideas in mind.

Happy reading!


Corinne, sipping an oat milk latte


Or a good burger, or the perfect apple pie, or a decent bra…you get the idea.

Subscribe to A Life of Moxie

essays, humor, and reflections from a Gen X woman writer


Writer. Connector. Author of Reading with Expression and Connecting the Nouns.