Read the back story here. Let’s circle up!
Bitch: Last night something I ate or drank made me so violently ill I can barely function today. It is nice outside, I want to go be out in the world, and yet I am exhausted. Didn’t help that I woke up on Thursday at 3:30 am and didn’t fall back asleep.
Brag: I finally watched “Hamilton” on Disney+ and I get why all you people were so into this musical.1 I wish all my American history classes had been taught by way of clever rap songs and catchy hip-hop numbers.
Bitch: Mercury is now retrograde until May 14, a 3-week (ish) period in which life is extra unpredictable and technology super glitchy, and 9 out of 10 conversations turn into “Who’s on First?” I have learned this is a period of time when I need to slow myself way down, triple check any written communication before I send it, and use fewer demonstrative pronouns (or at least provide reference points if I use one, as Miss Kellogg taught me many years ago.2 ).
Brag: I’m making great progress with my astrology website & hope to launch the site in early June. I wanted to have it all done before Mercury went retrograde, but life happened, as it does.
Bitch: Restroom soap that is strongly scented with an odor that is somewhere between disinfectant and farts and does. Not. Go. Away. There’s a high-end restaurant I go to with Pops and his girlfriend Mari*, and they use GoJo liquid soap in their bathroom soap dispensers - the WORST.
Brag: On Monday, I did some reorganizing at my storage unit - an unfortunate necessity until I move into a bigger place of my own, date/location TBD - and culled about 15 books and several clothing items, plus a few other random things. The plan is to do at least two more reorg/sort sessions over the next three weeks and eliminate more stuff.
I have a long history of resisting pop culture trends if there’s an exhausting amount of buzz around them, or too many people tell me “oh you must watch X.” I still haven’t seen Home Alone in its entirety for this reason.
My high school English Lit teacher, Miss Kellogg, often said “What is the antecedent to your pronoun?” if a student said something that was too vague to be clearly understood. It was a valuable lesson.