I was very sick with a weird strep thing in 2005-2006, and thought I was fine with it after I was better, but when I got pneumonia in 2011, I FREAKED. I moved back to my hometown in case someone had to take care of me

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All it takes is one scary illness to make those life-changing decisions on where to live, right? I hope you're doing well these days.

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thank you for sharing this honest post. 🫶🏾😷✨

i wish the public health messaging around covid was better.

masking and clean air spaces are so important, but capitalism wants things to “keep going” and “back to normal”

there’s great info and resources about keeping yourself and the community safe at https://covid.tips and https://pandemicsolidarity.org

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Thank you for reading. I thought about you as I was writing some of this post. Be well, my friend.

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